Development of Machine Parts Industry in China

China's machinery manufacturing industry has made great progress this year,especially the development of machinery parts manufacturing industry, whichis absolutely gratifying. China is now the world's second largest economy, andis gradually becoming the world manufacturing center. Many developedcountries in Europe and the United States have shifted the production ofmechanical parts to China. China has become an important base for Europeanand American purchasers to purchase directly in the world.


This brings opportunities to China's manufacturing industry. In addition to theEuropean economic crisis, many European companies in order to save costs,some precision parts originally manufactured abroad are also transferred to  China for production. So for China's machinery parts industry, it's really spring.But this spring is not the most enjoyable time for all enterprises. When manyforeign enterprises come to China to find suppliers of mechanical parts, there  will still be many requirements. It is still difficult to find factories with suitableprices and quality among millions of suppliers in China.Because there are many difficulties in purchasing mechanical parts, especially  non-standard parts, it is difficult to find, discover, evaluate, audit and develop  qualified suppliers. It is not easy to find suitable suppliers. In addition, some domestic enterprises do not pay attention to their own propaganda, so it still needs to spend some energy to let foreigners see. At present, purchasing  managers in the spare parts industry develop suppliers through the followingchannels: some through exhibitions, some through friends, some through  websites, some through large foreign trade companies and other channels.But no matter through which channel to find you, you must have adequate  preparation, equipment, technology, management, and more to be too hard,in order to let others see you. So it is a trend that opportunities and challenges  coexist in China's mechanical parts industry in the future. Good enterprises  will become bigger and bigger, and bad ones will probably be eliminated.

Post time: Jun-03-2019