Share a few tips commonly used in mechanical processing

In addition, in dongguan  mechanical processing, there will be many workpieces not  produced by one-time production, but when the workpiece is produced, it is only  a general model. If the factory becomes a real product, some mechanical equipment   will be used to carry out mechanical processing, according to different product needs,it will eventually become a kind of product. Products of use value.In order to ensure  the efficiency of mechanical processing and the quality of the products produced, four principles must be followed in the process of mechanical processing.


1. Benchmark first:
When using mechanical equipment to process products, it is necessary to determine 、a baseline, so that there can be a reference for positioning in subsequent processing.After determining the baseline, it is necessary to process the baseline first.

2. Divide the processing stage:
In the mechanical processing of products, according to different product requirements,different degrees of processing need to be divided. If the accuracy requirement is not high,then a simple rough processing stage is enough. The requirement of product progress is more and more stringent, and subsequent semi-finishing and finishing stages are required.

3. Processing the plane first, then the hole:
In the process of mechanical processing, for the workpiece such as support, it needs both plane processing and mechanical hole processing. In order to reduce the accuracy error of the holes processed, processing the plane first and then processing the holes is beneficial to reduce the error.

4. Finishing:
This principle is roughly some polishing process, which is usually done after the product has completed the structure.

Post time: Dec-02-2021